Inventory - Getting Started

Last modified by steven@one-count_com on 2018/07/10 16:44

 Before enjoying the full benefits of ONEcount you need to do some basic set up, including setting up your database, forms, products, and import of data.

Follow the steps below to prepare your database, online forms, subscription products, and to get ready for data import. Steps 1-6 are all carried out in the INVENTORY module, and Step 7 is carried out in the USER OPERATIONS module. See Import documentation for full detail on how to complete the import process.

1. Create Questions/Data Fields


Because these "questions" are the actual data fields, they are a part of a pool of data fields/questions that are shared among ALL forms. If you change or delete a question, the change/deletion will change/delete that data field and the question on ALL forms that use the question.

2. Create Source Codes

ONEcount Source Codes identify 1) the source of a name/transaction i.e. the online form, rented/purchased list, telemarketing campaign that a name and/or transaction comes from and 2) the source identifer, e.g. written direct request, telemarketing company request, etc.

These unique source codes allow you to use the List Wizard and audit reporting tools to pull lists and reports by name source.
You have the option of assigning two levels to a source code: a "child" code and a "parent" code.
 In such instances, the "child" code identifies the source of the name/transaction and the "parent" code is the source identifier.
 For example:
 You are importing a file with renewals obtained via a telemarketing campaign.
 The "child" code would be the code for the campaign, e.g. ABC123.
 The "parent" code would be the source identifier, e.g. Direct Request-Telecom.

For audited publications, this is the same concept as using a promo key/code and source identifier to identify the source of a name – i.e. promo key = the source a name/transaction came from and source identifier = telemarketing direct request, telemarketing company request, etc..

3. Create Forms

You must assign a unique source code to all forms, so be sure you have source codes created prior to form creation.

When importing names, you must select a product to subscribe to, and products must have a default form set, even if you don't want the product to appear on an online form on the front end. If you don't want the product to be displayed on an active form, when creating the product you can set it to “Not Active” or create a “dummy” form for all backend-only products.

4. Create Product Statuses

Default product status is set when creating a product and is assigned to records upon subscription/ purchase/registration. Product statuses are assigned on a per-product basis.

5. Create Promo Codes (optional)

Promo codes are discount codes (i.e. dollar amount or percentage off) applied to products.

6. Create Products and Resources

You must have a product to complete an import, as you must select a product to "subscribe" the users to upon import. When performing an import you must select a product status to apply, so be sure to have a product status created prior to import.

Resources must be created for products that contain a protected digital asset , e.g. a gated web page, section of a site, or file (e.g. a downloadable white paper), or a newsletter list.

When creating products, a default form for the product to be displayed on must be selected. If you don't want the product to be available for display on an active form, you can set the product to “Not Active” or create a “dummy” form for all backend-only products.

7. Import Data

See Import documentation for full detail on how to complete the import process.

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