List Match Import

Last modified by Admin User on 2024/09/10 10:14

List Match Import

This document will describe how to use the List Match to upload a CSV formatted list of users into the ONEcount database. A List Match differs from a straight File Import in its purpose; instead of simply adding records to your database, a List Match is designed to match a list of records to your database. At the end of the match, you will be able to decide what to do with the records that do not match records already in your database (add them or discard them). In a Import, all of the records are added to your database.

You might do a List Match when you have an advertiser or marketing partner who wants to compare their list with your list for targeting and marketing purposes.

Please refer to Quick Start Guide - User Operations for important information about basic concepts and rules relating to imports and bulk operations.


Select List Match Import under Data Management


Select Import File

1. In the Import window choose your import file using the "Browse" button (1) and select "Upload File" (2).
The list will be uploaded, and the Import window opened. You will see a confirmation that the list was uploaded successfully, along with the number of records uploaded. (See screen shot below.) The list has not been imported at this point but uploaded to the system in preparation for import.

Complete Import Information in the following which you will be seeing once you upload the file

1. Import Title (1): Give your List_Match job a Name
2. Import Description (2): Give your List Match job a Description.
3. Select a Source Code (3): You will be selecting a source code from the drop down, if you didn't create a source code yet then you can create a source code from here by using create source code button (10).
Source Codes are used to track the source of a transaction, i.e. the source of the user/name in the ONEcount database.* When assigned to a form, a source code can be used as a selection when generating lists and reports, to track what form a user/subscriber completed, to track what list a user came from when importing users, or to show which e-mail campaign a user came from . (A source code tag can be appended to links in a newsletter campaign to override a source code assigned when a form is created, which allows you to identify that a user was directed to a form and came into the system from a link in that campaign.) Source Codes are created using the Source Codes tool in the INVENTORY module.
4. Select the product term(s) from the Product List (4) or package from Package List(5): You need to select either Product List or Package List from the one of the two dropdowns(4 and 5), which consists of products or packages that you have created in the ONEcount. If you didn't create a product or package yet and want to create it now, then you can create them using create product and create package buttons (11 and 12).
5. Select a Product Status (5): If you select the Package List then you need to select the Package Status from the drop down provided.
6. Segment List(6): If you want to assign user to certain segments then you can select the segments from the drop down which has options of segments that you have created in ONEcount or you can create a new segment here using button 13.
7. Mapping Selection (7): You can select a mapper from the dropdown which consists of mappers that were created in ONEcount or you can create a new mapper from button14.

Request Date | Expiration Date | Link to Media Files

9. Select from the Request Date drop-down menu the field/column from your import file to map as the Request Date. (If you don't map this field, the Request Date will be the same as the Transaction Date, which is the date of the import.)
Setting a request date ensures that when processing duplicates only data in the ONEcount database that is older than data in the import file will be written over. ONEcount will compare the request date to the date of the most recent information in the database and only write over information that is older than the request date. This is done on a field-by-field basis within a record.
For example:
A list is being imported on 01/07/2013, and an import record is identified as a duplicate.
The mapped request date of the import record is 12/01/2012, and the user's last name in the import file is Smith.
The user updated her profile in the ONEcount database by changing her last name from Smith to Jones on 12/31/2012.

    • When duplicates are processed, her last name WILL NOT be written over, as she changed it AFTER (12/31/2012) the request date of the import record (12/01/2012).

As of 11/25/2012 her job title in the ONEcount database is "Sales Associate".
In the import record (Request Date 12/01/2012), her job title is "Regional Sales Manager".
When duplicates are processed, her job title WILL be written over, as the data as of the request date (12/01/2012) is more recent than the data in the ONEcount database (11/25/20120.
If no request date is set when importing, the request date will be the date of the import. If this were the case in the example above, both the user's last name and job title would be written over as the request date (01/07/2013, which is the date of the import/transaction) would be more recent than the dates in the ONEcount database.
If there is a blank field in an import file and the corresponding field in the ONEcount database contains data, that field in the ONEcount database will NOT be written over with a blank, even if the Request Date of the import is more recent than the date the information was entered into the ONEcount database.
If "Null" is inserted into a field in the import file and the corresponding field in the ONEcount database contains data, that field in the ONEcount database WILL BE written over with a blank if the request date of the import is more recent than the date the information was entered into the ONEcount database. If the request date is older than the date the information was entered in the database, the corresponding field will NOT be written over with a blank.

10. Select the column/field in your import file to specify the product Expiration Date. (If you don't specify this, the product Expiration Date will be based upon the Transaction Date, which is the date of the import.)
The expiration date is automatically calculated when a user subscribes online based on the transaction date (which is the date of the online subscription). If a subscription transaction with an expiration date is recorded in the system via an import – especially for data conversions when implementing a new ONEcount system – "Expiration Date" (or something similar) should be a field in the CSV import file. If you do not select this field to be recorded as the expiration date in the ONEcount system, the system will set the expiration date based on the transaction date (which isn't an issue for new subscribers being imported into the system.)
For example:A product has a term of three years. If a user subscribes online, their subscription will expire three years from the date of their submittal of the subscription form. If, however – as in the case of an initial data conversion when implementing a new ONEcount system – lists of users who didn't subscribe to the products online via the ONEcount system are being imported, the import files should contain a field with the expiration date based on the actual subscription date, and that field should be selected as the expiration date. Otherwise, the system will look at the date of import (transaction date) and set the expiration date as three-years from then.

Note that if you select Expiration Date and select multiple products when importing, the value of that field for each row of the import file will be used to update the Expiration Date for all of the products selected.

If data for a user already in the ONEcount system is being re-imported (e.g., to append information to his/her ONEcount profile) and:
1) the user is imported to a product he/she is already subscribed to, and 2) Expiration Date is specified The transaction will show as a renewal to the product and the earlier of the two expiration dates will be ignored. That is, if the expiration date specified in the import file is earlier than the expiration date already in ONEcount, the transaction will appear as a product renewal and the expiration date in ONEcount will not be changed. So, for example, if a user is already subscribed to "Print Magazine" product and the expiration date in ONEcount is 01-01-2015 and that same user is re-imported to that same product with an expiration date in the import file of 01-01-2014, the 01-01-2014 date will be ignored.
After filling out all the details then you can start matching the list using match button.
Once you click on Match button then you will be redirected to pre import summary which will be as shown below
In the pre import summary, you will be shown basic details which you filled in previous form then you will be shown total records in file (14) and new records (15).
You will be shown count and will be given option to download records for "Existing ONEcount users who matched this file" and "Names in the file that match existing ONEcount users" using buttons 16 and 17 respectively.
Then next you will be asked to select "Yes" or "No" for the following three options:

  1. Assign matched users to the products and segments (you will be shown a list of products and segments to which it will be added): If you select this then existing users in your file will assign to that particular product list or package list and segment.
  2. Import users from your file that are not in ONEcount and assign them to the products and segments(you will be shown a list of products and segments to which it will be added and even count of new records to be imported): New records will be imported and will be selected product list or package list and segment list will be added to ONEcount.
  3. *Update matched users with info from the imported file:* Matched users' information is update in ONEcount with the information provided in previous tabs.

After selecting the options use Proceed (21) button to process the request. After the requests are processed then following message will appear.