ONEcount Cookies

Last modified by rayaan@one-count_com on 2023/11/20 16:42

ONEcount uses first-party cookies to track users. The cookies are set in the ONEcount domain and on the customer's site(s).

Cookies on the ONEcount domain are called Central Domain Cookies (CDC). Those on the client's site are called Local Cookies (LC).

Below is a list of the cookies and their description:

First-Party Cookie Setting

ONEcount sets 2 types of cookies: A temp cookie(__tempcookie) on the first visit- and an OCID cookie(__ocid) when the user is identified by registering, logging in, or when OC performs a cookie sync. All ONEcount cookies are first-party cookies, which means they are supported by all web browsers.

When a user visits the site for the first time, he or she will have no ONEcount cookies for that site.  In order to facilitate multi-site tracking, targeting and gating, ONEcount will set __tempcookie.

Upon registering, clicking on a smartlink, or being identified through a cookie-sync with a third-party, ONEcount sets an __ocid cookie showing that we have identified the person as a known user.

This helps a brand that has multiple sites. If a customer has 40 sites and a user is identified on Site A, then ONEcount will first set the temp cookie and then OCID cookie and store that data as a known user.

If a user visits Site B, then OCID will be able to retrieve that user’s identity, which is stored in cookies on the domain. At this point, the user is known and his or her activity can be tracked across all brand sites that the user has registered for.

Central Domain Cookies

These cookies are set on the ONEcount domain.

__ocgt: This is the global token. It's used to track users across all sites where the ONEcount widget is deployed. The value is a 64-character hash. This cookie is set under domain.

__ocid: set when a user is logs in on one of the Customer's sites. The value is a 64-character hash that represent sthe user in that customer's installation of ONEcount. It's set under domain. (ie: if client is foo, then the cookie will be set under

__ocusername: Similar to __ocid, it's set when the user logs in on the client's system. The value, is the user's username on that client's system. The domain for this cookie

__ocgt-client-id: This is used to identify the user.

Local Cookies

These cookies are set on the customer's site(s). If the customer has multiple sites, these cookies will be set as first-party cookies in each domain.

__tempcookie: used track users on the client's site. The value is the same as __ocgt from the central domain. It's set under the client's site domain.

__ocid: set when a user is logged in on the client's site. The value is the same as __ocid from the central domain. It's set under the client's site domain.

__ocusername: set when a user is logged in on the client's site. The value is the same as __ocusername from the central domain. It's set under the client's site.

cookieValid: this is a daily cookie. It's set on the first visit of the day if __ocid is present. It's used as a flag that can be used to determine whether __ocid is still valid or not.

realReferer: used to preserve the original referer when a redirect to happens for setting the Central Domain Cookies. This can be passed to Google Analytics or other platforms.

_gcna: this represents the visit id. The value is a combination of the __ocid and __tempcookie cookies as well as the visit timestamp and the visit counter.

_gcnb: used as part of the visit id generation process.

_ocfreepass: counts pages that are part of a gating product. So if is the URL of the product, ocfreepass will increment on each page view if, but it will not increment on a page view of because it is not a gated product. The name of the cookie includes a unique customer ID for each ONEcount customer, and a uniqe # for the product. In this way, if the same URL is in two different products, there will be two different cookies, one for each product. The number is the product_Id.

ocaction-segment_id: used as part of targeting process.