ONEcount SSL and non-SSL Client Brand Pages
ONEcount displays end user facing functions/pages (i.e. forms) in the client's look and feel for each of their brands. ONEcount does this by fetching the header and footer portion of a blank web page containing ONEcount markers. These generic markers are provided to the client during the onboarding process.
Description of Possible Issues
All of the ONEcount interfaces (e.g. forms) are accessed using SSL (Secure Socket Layer – https://protocol). If a client doesn't have SSL for their site some content on the header/footer web page may be blocked, causing security popups and/or display issues. In an effort to alleviate this issue, ONEcount will try to load non-SSL contents using a proxy with SSL. This resolves the issue with static non-SSL contents in the header/footer page; but if there are any dynamically generated and/or referenced non-SSL elements in the page, the proxy method will fail and security warnings may appear or the visual content may display incorrectly.
Resolution of Possible Issues
Following are recommendations to resolve issues with non-SSL dynamically generated/referenced content:
1. Suppress any elements/plugins that are not SSL ready.
2. Suppress any banners/ads that are served through a non-SSL ready ad server. In order for ads to display, the ad server must be SSL ready.
3. Use the full (absolute) URL path when referencing any assets on the page, including background images in CSS or in-line style. If your CSS file has such references, create a local copy of the CSS, if possible, change the URLs, and use that.
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Unknown macro: pagetreesearch. Click on this message for details.
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More System and Setup Information
Widget Implementation
Widget Builder
ONEcount Javascript Widgets
ONEcount Javascript Widget Changes
Configuration Manager
Smartlinks, Brand Codes, and Other Form Linkouts
ONEcount SSL and non-SSL Client Brand Pages
OpenX Zone Setup for Banner Tracking and Viewability
DFP Small Business – Create Key/Value Pair for Ad Targeting
DFP Premium – Create Key/Value Pair for Ad Targeting
Progressive Lookup
Embedding Forms in Web Pages
Overriding Lookup/Login Page Settings
Email Engine and Sender Score
Global Features