ONEcount Testing Document

Last modified by Admin on 2020/01/22 15:53

Test Login/Lookup:

This is the link you should use for lookup of the user account:

If you would like your login page to send a user to a form where they can create/confirm their account, the URL will look like below. The hash (id=8b81e1f2-c5b1-4fb7-8d5f-ad525ecdff0c) defines the form to create/confirm your online account. Upon completion of the second form, the user will be taken to the Thank You landing page:

To test, please go into the ONEcount back end, under User Operations -> Add User, add a user for yourself.

To test the lookup, add the fields that you have configured on the Lookup/Login form. For example:
Street #: 123
Last name: Gibbons
City: Wheeling
ZIP: 00000

If you succeed the lookup, you will be taken to an account creation screen. It will ask you for your e-mail and your password. When you submit, you will be taken to the thank you page.

Gating/Paywall Testing:

ONEcount gating is dynamic, meaning it is triggered when you click on an article that you do not have permission to read. When this happens, you will be taken to the appropriate subscription form and required to subscribe to the product containing the URL you are visiting. Once you complete this transaction, you are taken to the gated asset (ie., the article you originally clicked on). The only exception to this is if you go directly to the subscription/registration form, in which case you should be taken to the confirmation page.

To test:
1) Go into incognito mode
2) Click on a gated URL:
3) This will take you to your landing page with a package pre-selected. Select that package. This will take you to the ONEcount purchase page.
4) Enter an account (your information is already entered above, so create a new account).
6) Enter Cc info:
7) Submit: You will be taken automatically to the article you first clicked on, and a receipt will be sent to the e-mail you provided when you signed up.

User Lookup/Deletion: In testing ONEcount, it's important to remember that the software transparently connects a user in the database to a web visitor using a series of cookies. Cookies are set in both the local domain (ie., and the ONEcount domain (
To delete a user, first look the user up using the search box in the upper right of the screen:


You'll be presented with a list of users. You can either View or Edit any user in the list by clicking the appropriate link. If you want to delete a user, first use View to get the user's OCID (ONEcount ID), then follow the instructions on this link to delete the user from ONEcount:
If you are deleting a user you have accessed through testing, you will need to delete all cookies from the domain from your browser, as well as the following cookies from your local domain (ie., _ocgit, _tmpcookie

Customer Preferences Center:
Right now this is populated with only the paid products. However you can add newsletters and other products at a later date. Just update the preferences center form (id= b30741c9-f014-4bf1-9988-b56a81e207af)
Bottom of Form