Overriding Lookup/Login Page Settings

Last modified by santosh on 2018/08/17 17:13

 The ONEcount system provides the option to present site visitors with a Lookup/Login page upon clicking on a form link, login link, or protected resource. 
This option is set on a global level in the Config Manager, but can be overridden on a form-by-form basis by adding the variables described below to a form URL.

Lookup/Login Page Basics


The Lookup/Login page is presented in your site's look and feel and consists of a Lookup form on the left-hand side and a Login form on the right-hand side.

Lookup (left-hand side) Form

  • You create the Lookup Form just as you create any other form. You can use any of your demographic fields in the lookup and can use one or multiple fields. In the example above, only "Email Address" is used for lookup, but you may elect to use, e.g. Email, Last Name, and Zip Code as fields to search in a lookup. (For more information on forms, see Forms - How to Create a Form.)
  • If all fields are required on the Lookup form, the system will use AND logic. That is, if you have Email, Last Name, and Zip all as required fields it will search for a user with the entered email address AND last name AND zip.
  • If all fields aren't required, a user may opt to enter information in that field anyway, in which case the system will still use AND logic. The user may, however, leave a non-required field blank; or if they entered infomation in a non-required field and are not located in the system, the user may delete that information and click on Look Up again.
  • The header (... Network Lookup Form) and header text (Please fill in...) on the Lookup (left-hand) side of the Lookup/Login page are taken from the Lookup form you create in the Forms module, so you can configure it to say what you want. (For more information on forms, see Forms - How to Create a Form.)

Login (right-hand side) Form

  • The Login form consists of username and password fields, with a link to obtain username and password if forgotten.
  • The header (Already Registered ?) is configurable by GCN. Simply let GCN know what you'd like the header to say.
  • There is option to add email instead of username in login form. To enable go to Configuration Manager > Other Configurations > Login.
     If enabled, the login will try to fetch the combination of email and password, else the login will do whatever we have been doing previously (check the combination of username and password). In case of email associated with multiple accounts, the user will be logged in with whatever matches the combination of email and password but during password reset user may get error about multiple accounts.

General Lookup/Login Functionality

When presented with the Lookup/Login form the user has two options:

  1. If a subscribed/registered user, the user may enter his/her username and password in the Login section (right-hand side) of the page. (If the user doesn't remember his/her username or password, he/she may click on the Forgot Your Password? link to obtain them.)
  2. Look up his/her record by entering requested information in the Lookup section (left-hand side) of the page.
     If the user is in the database and was directed to the Lookup/Login page by:
  • clicking on a link to a form, he/she will be directed to that pre-populated form;
  • clickng on a protected resource (e.g. a restricted page, file, etc.) and is already subscribed to the product that grants access to the resource, he/she will be directed to the protected resource;
  • clicking on a protected resource (e.g. a restricted page, file, etc.) and is not subscribed to that product, he/she will be presented with a pre-populated subscription/registration form.

If the user is NOT in the database, he/she will be presented with a text message and "Register – It's Easy" button, as shown in the screenshot below. (The text in this pop-up is configurable by GCN. Simply let GCN know what you'd like the message and button text to say.)


Lookup Page Variables

There are 2 variables that will determine whether or not to redirect the user to a lookup page:

1. Global variable (Display Lookup Form Before Form ) : This variable is set in "Other Settings" in the Configuration Manager.

  • If the variable is set to true then all users (not logged in) going to a form will be presented a lookup form.
  • If false, the lookup for will be bypassed and all users will be presented directly with the form.

2. URL parameter (&lookup=1/0) : This variable can be appended while linking out the form link. If the variable is added in the url then it will override the global setting and based on the parameter value, user will or will not be directed to the lookup form.

The lookup variable URL parameter can only be used when linking out to a form. It cannot be used in instances where a user clicks directly on a protected resource, e.g. a restricted page, file, etc.

Note that the front-end user can alter the lookup parameter in the URL, and if they do then the system will behave accordingly. For example, if a user clicks on a link and the URL contains “&lookup=1” (indicating to present the lookup form) the user can change it to “&lookup=0”. If changed by the user, the system will behave accordingly and bypass the lookup form, presenting the user directly with the form.

Global and Lookup Variables apply only for non-logged in users. If a user is logged in and clicks on a link to a form, he/she will be directed to that pre-populated form.


Global Variable/Lookup Variable Settings to Bypass Lookup Process

If your global variable is set to False, you don't need to append a lookup variable = 0 to the URL but you may opt to do so.
 Global Variable = false/don't present lookup
 Lookup = 0 (false/don't present)
 Result = no lookup

If your global variable is set to True, you must append a lookup variable = 0 to the URL to bypass the lookup process.
Global Variable = true/present lookup 
Lookup = 0 (don't present lookup) 
Result = no lookup

User Experience:
 1. User clicks on link to form.
 2 . User presented with form.
 3. User completes form.

  • If the user's email is found in the system, the following message will appear: “Email already exists. Click here to login.” Clicking on the link will direct user to the Lookup/Login form. User can then log in. (Clicking on “Forgot your password?” will send an email to the user with username and password.) OR
  • User can look her/himself up using the same email and will be presented with the pre-populated form.

Global Variable/Lookup Variable Settings to Effect Lookup Process

If your global variable is set to True, you don't need to append a lookup variable = 1 to the URL but you may opt to do so.
 Global Variable = true/present lookup
 Lookup = 1 (true/present lookup)
 Result = present lookup

If your global variable is set to False, you must append a lookup variable = 1 to the URL to present the lookup form.
 Global Variable = false/don't present lookup
 Lookup = 1 (present lookup)
 Result = present lookup

User Experience:
 1. User clicks on link to form.
 2. User presented with Lookup/Login form.
 3. User can look him/herself up or log in.
Look Up

  • If user not found, “Register – It's Easy” button is presented.
  • Click on “Register – It's Easy” button.
  • Directed to blank form.
  • If user found, directed to pre-populated form.
    Log In
  • User logs in. (Clicking on “Forgot your password?” will send an email to the user with username and password.)

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