Quick Start Guide - Packages and Products

Last modified by Admin on 2020/10/09 15:46

All package related tasks, which include creating new packages, managing and deleting existing packages, creating terms, creating and managing products, and creating and managing promotional codes and product statuses, are completed in the INVENTORY **module. Prior to working with packages, it is important to understand the concepts of packages, terms, and products.


Primary Form - The form that will be called up when a user clicks on a link to subscribe to a product.

Package - What the user is subscribing to/registering for/or purchasing.

  • It may be a subscription to a print product, digital product (e.g. digital edition or e-newsletter), or access to a restricted area of your website (e.g. a video or white paper library) or both.
  • Every product must have a term, and some products - such as a newsletter or access to a restricted digital asset - must have a resource (a digital asset that requires registration to access).
  • A product may have multiple resources, e.g. a single product for a video and whitepaper series could have a whitepaper access resource and a video series resource. When a user subscribes to the product, the whitepaper access resource would grant access to the section or page on your website where whitepapers can be downloaded and the video series resource would grant access to the section or page on your website where videos can be viewed.
  • Some products will not have a resource, e.g. a print subscription, as a subscription to a print magazine does not necessarily include granting access to a gated/protected section or page of your website.

Package Status - A package status defines the status of a user during the subscription process/term for a package. **A default product status (e.g. current subscriber or pending review – you create them to best suit your needs) can be assigned to a term of a product so that subscribers will be assigned that status by default when they subscribe to that term. For example, if subscribers must be qualified to receive your product for free, during your review of their qualifications the product status applied to the product/term may be "Pending Review"; and once you complete your review, you can change the status of those who do qualify to "Qualified Subscriber" and those who don't to "Not Qualified". Or, if anyone, regardless of qualifications, is eligible to subscribe to a product, upon subscription the status applied may be "Current Subscriber".

Product Status for each product and transaction (if applied) can be seen in the Subscription History section of the User Detail Page. When generating lists using the List Wizard, you can use Product Status to filter subscribers to a product by a specified product status(es).

Promo Code - A code used to discount paid subscriptions, either a specified amount or percentage off for a designated period of time. In ONEcount the term "promo" is used to designate a discount on something paid.

Product - A digital asset you want to identify and/or restrict access to.

A product can be a web page or section of your website (such as a video library, eGuide, ), e-newsletter**, or a downloadable file (e.g., a white paper).
Once a product is attached to a package, that product will automatically be protected. To access the product, users will need to subscribe to/register for/purchase the package. For example, If a user must register/subscribe to access a white paper library available on your web site, the product may be called White Paper Access and the protected resource would be the page on your web site where white papers can be accessed. By subscribing to the White Paper Access package, the user is granted access to that web page and white papers available on it.
Products may be linked to sponsor/advertiser dashboards so that you and/or the sponsor can **view and/or download lead data collected from sponsored resources (such as whitepapers, video, and newsletters). Sponsor/Advertiser dashboards are created and managed using the Dashboard tool.

**If using the ONEmail Email Engine to manage your newsletter/email lists, when a newsletter resource is created, ONEcount will automatically create a newsletter list in ONEmail. When users are subscribed to the product with the newsletter resource, they will automatically be placed on the newsletter list in the Email Engine. Their demographic and subscription data will also be added the ONEcount database. If you are using a different email marketing provider with an API connecting it to ONEcount (such as Magnet Mail or Silverpop) the same process will occur.

Term - The package for the product – the price (including free) and duration. For example, $50 per year for three years or free for an indefinite period of time. A product may have multiple terms. For example, a print magazine subscription product may have one term for a one-year subscription ($50 for one year) and another term for a two-year subscription ($75 for two years).


Products consist of two or three parts:

Part 1: Name, description, and the form(s) the product is to appear on; (required)

1. All products must include a primary form (the form that will be pulled up when a link to subscribe to the product is clicked on). Because a primary form must be selected when creating a product, you must create the form BEFORE creating the product.

2. To allow for cross-selling on different forms, you may select other forms you wish to have the product appear on.

Part 2: Term - the duration, price (including free), and quantity; setting the product for active/not active (an active product can be displayed on forms and an inactive product cannot be displayed on forms; and default product status (e.g. "current subscriber" to be applied when a user is subscribed to the product. (required)

1. Every package must have a term(s).

2. Setting a package to not active prevents the package from being displayed on a form and under the list of User Packages in User Detail. Use this setting when you:

want to change an active package to not being available for placement on forms (in which case you would simply change to inactive);

want to create a package and not have it available for placement on forms until a later date (in which case you would simply change to active);

  • want to create a product term that you don't intend to display on a form, e.g. when creating a product for back-end purposes only - such as for an import of extra, inactive records
    you wish to import into the system and/or subscribe to various products via a bulk operation. Creating such a product term will allow you to select that term on import (an import requirement) but not have that product visible on any front-end forms so no users can subscribe to it.

Part 3: Resources attached to the product. (not required)

  • Some packages will not have a product, e.g. a print subscription, which does not include granting access to a gated/protected section or page of your website.

Some packages will have a product, such as a subscription to an e-newsletter or registering for access to, e.g. a video library. The resource indicates what digital asset to grant the subscriber access to.

A package may have multiple products attached to it, e.g. a package called "Newsletter Access" may have more than one e-newsletter attached to it, so that when a user subscribes to the "Newsletter Access" product, he/she will automatically be added to the newsletter list for each e-newsletter (more detail on newsletter resources in "How to Create a Package: Part 3 – Attach / Remove / Create a Product).

A product may be attached to multiple packages.

Quick Steps to Create a Package

In the Packages window, select "+ Create Package".
Name the package and select the primary form (and any other forms) to be used for the package; (The primary form is the form that will be called up when a user clicks on a link to subscribe to the product. You may also select other forms for the product to appear on to allow for cross-selling products across forms.)
Create a term(s) for the package; **and
Add a product to the package (not required for all packages).

For more details on creating and managing packages and products, promo codes, and product statuses, see those lessons in the INVENTORY chapter.

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