Search and User Detail

Last modified by steven@one-count_com on 2018/07/10 16:39

 The search function allows you to locate and display individual user records.

User Detail contains all transaction information relating to a record: demographic data and history; subscription data and history; and trends in web activity, ad activity, and newsletter activity.



The Search and Advanced Search feature is found in the upper right-hand corner of the nav bar.

Simple Search


You can search for a user record by any one demographic using the drop-down menu in the search bar. The demographics listed in the drop-down are pulled from all of your questions/data fields created using the Question Builder tool.

The default search setting is OCID.

If you know the OCID of a user, it is the most efficient way to search, as only one search result will be displayed: that for the record with that OCID. (See below.)


The fields that are displayed in the search results – in this case, FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, TITLE – are configurable in the Config Manager.

If you don't know the OCID of a user, you may search by any other demographic. Searching by another demographic, e.g. last name, will often produce mulitiple search results, as shown below.

Note that when searching by demographic, e.g. last name, the results will yield all names that contain your search query. For example, if you search by Last Name for "Avila", the results will include Avila, D_avila_, _Avila-_Salizar, __H_avila_nd, etc. (See below.)


Advanced Search


Clicking on "Advanced" will open the Advanced Search window, as shown below.


In Advanced Search, you can search records using multiple demographic fields, e.g. by First Name and Last Name and Zip Code. You may still get multiple results, but they will be fewer than by searching by, e.g. Last Name alone.

When using Advanced Search, demographic options are IS, IS NOT, CONTAINS, DOES NOT CONTAIN.
IS = The results will only contain the EXACT value entered, e.g. entering "Last Name IS Mac" will produce results only with the last name "Mac".

IS NOT = The results will contain all records EXCEPT those with the exact value entered, e.g. entering "Last Name IS NOT Mac" will return all records with any last name but "Mac".

CONTAINS = The results will contain the value entered, e.g. entering "Last Name CONTAINS Mac" will produce results that may be McCor_mack, _Mac_k, _Mac_Gregor, Camac_ho, etc.

DOES NOT CONTAIN = The results will contain all records EXCEPT those that contain the value, e.g. entering "Last Name DOES NOT CONTAIN Mac" will return all records that do not have "mac" anywhere in the last name field. So, all records EXCEPT McCor_mack, _Mac_k, _Mac_Gregor, Camac_ho, etc. will be returned in the search results.

Note that for select-type questions, you select from a drop-down menu in the value field. (See below.)


When search results are returned, click on "Edit" to edit demographic information or on "View" to view User Detail.


Edit Demographics


Clicking on Edit will bring up the Edit Demographics window for that record, as shown above. Edit/add any demographic information here, click "Update", then "Close" to close the window.

Clicking on View will bring up User Detail for that record, as shown below.



The User Detail window consists of:

1) User Demographics - Displays the most recent demographic information for the user. Clicking on "More Information" will expand User Demographics and display all current demographic data for additional questions/data fields.

 2) User Products - Displays all products the user is currently subscribed to. Clicking on the magnifying glass will open a pop-up that displays detail about that product.

 3) Activity Tabs:

  • Subscription Activity - A full audit trail of all subscription activity
  • Demographic Activity - A full audit trail of all demographic activity, including dates and detail of any demographic changes
  • Web Activity - A chart of page visits trending for that user
  • Ad Activity - A chart of banner view trending for that user
  • Newsletter Activity - Charts displaying percentages of newsletter delivers, opens, and clicks for that user
     4) Drop-downs to display Active Products and/or Inactive Products.

Note that if a user is receiving newsletters, the user's e-deliverability status will be displayed below User Demographics.

Subscription Activity Tab


Subscription Activity displays a full audit trail of subscription activity on all products where there has been activity, including:
ID - This is the transaction ID number. Clicking on this number will open a pop-up showing either the form completed for that transaction or data imported via an import.

TERM - This is the product term that the activity is connected to. For more on products and terms, see Quick Start Guide - Products and Resources.

REQUESTED - This is the request date. If a request date isn't set during an import, the request date will be the same as the transaction date. For online subscriptions via form, the request date will be the same as the transaction date.

TRANSACTION - This is the date and time the transaction occurrs and is recorded in the ONEcount system, whether it be an import, administrative subscription/renew/unsubscribe, or online subscription/renewal/unsubscribe.

PRODUCT STATUS - This is the Product Status assigned for a subscription/renewal/unsubscribe. Product Statuses are created in the INVENTORY module and attached to product terms.

QTY - This is the quantity as defined in the product terms.

PRICE - This is the price as defined in product terms.

IP - This is the IP address where the transaction occurred.

SOURCE CODE - This is the source code applied to the transaction

SUBSCRIPTION STATUS - This is the status of the subscription, i.e. New, Renew, Unsubscribe.

MEDIA - If there is a media file path associated with this record, it will appear here. Paths to media files may be included in imports. Those files are accessible here if there's a path in this column.

REMARKS - The source of the transaction will appear here and indicate if the transaction occured because the USER SUBSCRIBED, USER RENEWED, was imported, etc.

Note the Expiration date in the upper right-hand corner of each product heading.


Demographic Activity Tab


A history of all demographic changes is displayed here.
Clicking on the magnifying glass will bring up demographic information as of that day. (See below.)



Web Activity Tab


The X axis displays dates of page views.
 The Y axis scale is the number of page views.

Note that hovering over a data point will bring up a crosshair and display the date and count in the lower right-hand corner of the chart.
 Dragging a crosshair around a data point then releasing will drill down further, as shown below.



Ad Activity Tab


The X axis displays dates of banner views.
 The Y axis scale is the number of banner views.

Note that hovering over a data point will bring up a crosshair and display the date and count in the lower right-hand corner of the chart.
 Dragging a crosshair around a data point then releasing will display an hourly chart for that day, as shown below.



Newsletter Activity Tab




Options and Refresh are located in the upper right of the User Detail page, directly above User Products.


Select "Options" to edit demographic information or subscriptions.


Edit Demographics will open the Edit Demographics pop-up where you can add/edit any demographic information, click "Update" then "Close". (See Image 1 below.)

Edit Subscriptions will open the Edit Subscription pop-up where you can Subscribe/Renew/Unsubscribe the user from any products, click "Update" then "Close". (See Image 2 below.)



If a user is currently subscribed to a product term, you can select Renew or Unsubscribe in the Subscription column.

If a user is currently not subscribed to a product term, you can select Subscribe in the Subscription column.


Select "Refresh" to update User Detail after editing demographic and/or subscriptions data.

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