Run Dashboard -- Select, Save, View and Use Saved Selections

Last modified by Admin on 2022/04/25 14:13

The following lesson will give directions on how to run a dashboard and the various analytics and reports you can generate.


Click on the Run Dashboard icon.    media_1439477621500.png


To run a dashboard, you'll need to select the Pages, Resources, Banner Campaigns, and Email Campaigns you want to report on.
Once those selections are made and the date range set, you can either generate a summary report, create a combined user report, save the selections*, or create a feed report. More detail on each of these options is provided below.

*To run a dashboard from a set of previously saved selections, click on "View Saved Selections".

Date range


Select the date range by clicking in the date range field and using the drop-down calendar, as shown below.


Note that you can select standard options – Last 7 Days, Month to Date, Previous Month, Year to Date – or set a custom range using the forward and backward arrows then selecting the range. To select the range, simply click on the start date then click on the end date. The selected range will be highlighted, as shown above.

Now select the criteria for this dashboard. If you are going to Generate a Summary Report, the items you select will appear in your report. If you are going to Create a Feed Report, which means sending the data to an SFTP site, then the criteria you choose when you run the report will be saved as part of the feed.

In order to run a feed, you must select some level of engagement. Here, we are selecting Web Engagement Products; these are URL-based products that we have set up in the system to track users. You can further limit your selection by choosing a segment of users to appear in this report or feed. You can also choose e-mail campaigns, banner campaigns, transactional products, etc.

***NOTE: When Creating a Feed Report, the date range is set within the feed window, so the date range on this page is ignored.


Note, that "Select Page Titles", "Select Resources" and "Select Banner Campaigns" fields may appear grayed out as well if there are no resources and/or banner campaigns attached to the dashboard.


Once Page, Resource, and Banner Campaign, selections are made, you have the option to save those selections as a template for later use. To do so, click on the "Save Selections" button.

Note that because newsletters are date dependent, newsletter campaigns won't be saved.


When you click "Save Selections", the window shown below will be presented. Here you give the template a name (required) and description (optional).


When done, click "Save" to save the template or "Cancel" to cancel the operation.

Upon saving the selections, a confirmation message indicating "Template Name is saved" will be presented.



To view a list of available templates for the Dashboard you are in, click the "View Saved Selections" button. This will bring you to the Dashboard Report Query listing page. (See below.)


Expanding the details of a template will display the description, resources, banners, and demographics selected for a Combined User Report.

Newsletter Campaign selections are not included in the details, as they are time sensitive and dependent upon the date range you select when you run the dashboard. Once you run the dashboard and set the date range, Newsletter Campaigns within that date range will be available for selection.

When the dashboard is run from the Dashboard Report Query listing page, the "Save Selections" button will change to "Update Selections". If you wish to add or remove any selections to/from the template, simply do so and click "Update Selections". This will update the template with the new selections.


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