Utilities  - Configuration Manager

Last modified by Admin on 2022/04/26 14:35

The Configuration Manager allows you to set system configurations, including configurable texts such as "from/subject/body" texts for system confirmation emails; mappings for default edit profile, password recovery, and lookup forms; Dashboard display settings; online payment settings; and various other settings.

This lesson provides detail on these settings and configurations.


Select SETUP from the main menu.

Screen Shot 2022-02-04 at 4.46.18 PM.png

Select CONFIG MANAGER from the sub-menu.

Screen Shot 2022-02-04 at 4.46.18 PM copy 2.png

This will open the Configuration Manager main window, as shown below.


To expand or hide details of a section, e.g. Configurable Texts, Mappings, etc. click anywhere on the gray bar for that section heading.

Configurable Texts

NOTE: In these configurable texts, clients have the ability to customize the "From" address on a variety of email's that will be deployed directly from ONEcount on behalf of your domain. These emails include new subscription confirmations, forgot password recovery, among others. 

E-mail delivery has gotten more and more difficult, with various providers changing their filters and rules on a routine basis. Currently, our recommendation is to set your e-mail address so that it appears to come from the onecount.net network. If you do, your messages will be signed with our DKIM signatures, and use our IP addresses which are published as part of our network. You can put anything you want in the display portion of the From line, but it's important that the address part be: CLIENT-CODE@customers.onecount.net, where CLIENT-CODE is the 2 - 6 letter code that is part of your customer configuration.

An example is this:

PMG360 Research <pmg@customers.onecount.net>

This recommendation is current as of 4/25/2022, and will be updated as needed.





ONEcount forms have a progressive lookup feature whereby a user will be identified by demographic information entered on the form. The system will look up the user based on the information being progressively entered – e.g. first name, last name – and auto-populate the form when the user is identified. Please see Progressive Lookup documentation for more information.

With No Lookup Questions* selected:*
Enter First Name and Last Name

1. Record has: Email = no, Phone = no

get prompt asking for email or cell # to send verification code
entered cell number (2072154291),
get code from text message
enter code
form auto populated, and
cell # added to profile

2. Record has: Email = no, Phone = yes

get prompt asking for email or cell # to send verification code
entered email (melanie@gcnmedia.com)
get code from email and enter
form auto populated

3. Record has: Email = yes, Phone = no

get message the verification code was sent to 'melanie@gcnmedia.com'
get code from email and enter
form auto populated

4. Record has: Email = yes, Phone = yes

get message the verification code was sent to 'melanie@gcnmedia.com'
get code from email and enter
form auto populated

With Lookup Questions* Selected:*
Enter First Name and Last Name

1. Record has: Email = no, Phone = no

get lookup question
pass lookup *
get "Email Required – Provide Email to Send Username & Password" pop-up
give email address (melanie@gcnmedia.com)
form auto populated
email received w/username and password

2. Record has: Email = no, Phone = yes

get lookup question
pass lookup *
get "Email Required – Provide Email to Send Username & Password" pop-up
give email address (melanie@gcnmedia.com)
form auto populated
email received w/username and password

3. Record has: Email = yes, Phone =no

get lookup question
pass lookup *
form auto populated

4. Record has: Email = yes, Phone = yes

get lookup question
pass lookup *
form auto populated

  • On fail lookup, a message to to complete the form is presented.
    • Lookup/Challenge Questions are selected in the Question Builder. Plase see Question Builder documentation for more detail on selecting Lookup/Challenge Questions.

See Progressive Lookup documentation for more detail on Progressive Lookup functionality.



Screenshot A


Email (Question ID 388), First Name (Question ID 424), Last Name (Question ID 425), Title (Question ID 399), and State/Province (Question ID 420) are displayed on search result results.

Screenshot B


The Edit Profile/Unsubscribe form in this example has one question: Email. You can create a form with as many questions as you wish. Notice the list of subscribed products and the option to renew or unsubscribe from each at the bottom of the form. You can select products that you don't want to appear on this form, e.g. promo mail lists, inactives, etc. This is done in the Other Setting section of the Config Manager.



Dashboard configurations allow you to set what components will appear in a Dashboard.

1 = True/Show; 0 = False/Don't Show

For example, in the screenshot above you will be able to select and pull statistics for Banner and Email Campaigns, but not for BG2GO supplier directory (if you have BG2GO). The BG2GO default is always "0".

Payment Method


If you will be using ONEcount forms and accepting payment through ONEcount, you'll need to configure this section. ONEcount currently uses the PayPal Payflow Pro payment gateway, so you'll need to have an account set up with them.

Simply enter the account information here and you're done!

Other Settings


*Not displaying products allows the fom to be use solely for changing demographic information, with no transactional activity. If you set this option to False, be sure that there's a mechanism in place for your users to opt out, e.g. one-click opt-out option where a user can simply click on a link to be removed from a list, rather than being sent to an edit profile/unsubscribe page OR that your email opt out link is the renewal link for a form and that the product being opted out of is attached to that form OR that you provide a contact email or telephone number to opt out.

This option is used in conjunction with "Edit Profile Form ID" under "Mappings" above.


Initial Configurations (Content Recommendations) Utilities - Recommendations

This is a configuration option that defines what meta-tag ONEcount should look for the page/article details. If the content fields required are not provided, then the default code below will be used. Metatags define the tag in the name or property field and set the value in the content field. We are going to work with the property and content fields only.

Start by clicking Utilities then Config Manager. Click “Configuration >> Other Configurations” and finally “Other  Configurations >> Article Metadata

image2018-6-27 21:50:4.png

The "Other Configurations >> Article Metadata" section will expand and you will be presented with the input fields that must be filled to configure ONEcount for content metadata (screenshot below).

image2018-6-27 21:51:17.png

These are the fields needed:

  • title: this is going to be extracted from the og:title property content field
  • description: will be extracted from the og:description property content field
  • image: will be extracted from the og:image property content field
  • published_time: will be extracted from the article:published_time property content field
  • modified_time: will be extracted from the article:modified_time property

Below is an example of tag we are going to work with

<meta property="og:title" content="What’s Eating You? Clothes Moths (Tineola Species)" />

Please refer to the Open Graph Protocol for more information http://ogp.me/

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Unknown macro: livesearch. Click on this message for details.

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Unknown macro: pagetreesearch. Click on this message for details.

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 QR Codes

Job List

Email Engine Sender Score

Email Engine

Action Manager

Backend Activity Log

IVT Mitigator


Import/Export Tool
