Utilities - QR Codes

Last modified by caterina on 2022/02/04 16:03

The QR Codes tool allows you to generate short URL aliases with respective QR codes. This tool allows you to generate multiple short URLs and QR codes and track traffic from both.

QR Codes are most often used to link to a particular form or resource on your web site and may be prin


Select Miscellaneous from the main menu.

Screen Shot 2022-02-04 at 4.02.35 PM.png

Select QR Codes from the sub-menu.

Screen Shot 2022-02-04 at 4.02.35 PM copy.png

This will open the View QR Codes listing page, as shown below.


The View QR Codes page displays a lis tof all existing QR Codes, including the QR Code number, long URL, Short URL, QR Code, Count of times QR code used, delete function, and create QR code function.

Note that the short URL isn't displayed by default. You must click on the arrow to left of the QR Code to expand and display the short URL.

Note the Search and page-through functionality at the top of the listing page.

Create a New QR Code

1. Click on Create QR Code


This will open the Create QR Code & Links window.

2. Enter the long URL (1), choose a size (2), then click Generate (3).


When the QR Code is generated, the Short URL and code will be displayed, as shown below.


The QR Code has been generated at this point. You cannot change the URL or size once generated.

Clicking "Back to List" will return you to the View QR Codes listing page.

If you wish to change the size of the QR Code, you will need to create a new one. You can either keep the original QR Code or delete it.

Delete a QR Code

1. Click on the delete icon to the right of the code.


When you click on "delete", a pop-up confirmation will appear, as shown below.

2. Click OK to delete.


Once you click "OK", the code will be deleted and the message below displayed.

Click "Cancel" to cancel the deletion.


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