Bulk Operation - How to Perform a Batch Delete

Last modified by caterina on 2022/02/04 14:55

This lesson describes how to use the Bulk Operation tool in the USER OPERATIONS module to apply a batch delete of user records. Performing a batch delete will remove the records from the ONEcount database.

Please refer to the Quick Start Guide - User Operations for important information about basic concepts and rules relating to imports and bulk operations.


When users are deleted from the database, their historical web, banner, and newsletter statistics are retained; however, because the user is no longer "Known" (as they're no longer in the database), their statistics will be counted as "Unknown" when running web and banner analytics.

If using the ONEcount Email Engine, deleting a user subscribed to an email/newsletter list(s) will delete the user in the ONEcount database and remove the user from the list in the Email Engine.

If using MagnetMail or Silverpop, connected to ONEcount via API, deleting a user subscribed to an email/newsltter list(s) will delete the user in ONEcount and move the user to a suppression list in MagnetMail or Silverpop.

Historical newsletter statistics for deleted users (e.g. opens, clicks) will be retained in the database, so when running newsletter statistics those historical actions will remain in the counts. It's important to note, however, that if you click on, e.g. the open count for a particular campaign in newsletter statistics, you will be brought to the List Wizard where the list of users can be saved, downloaded, or filtered further. The total number of users will be displayed in the List Wizard, and this number may be lower than the number displayed in the open count in the Newsletter Analytics detail because in the List Wizard the system only displays counts for Known users. Those users who have been deleted are no longer known to the system, so they won't be included in the List Wizard count.


Select DATA MANAGEMENT from the Main Menu.

Screen Shot 2021-10-09 at 4.33.36 PM (2) copy 3.png

Select "BULK OPERATIONS" from the DATA MANAGEMENT sub-menu.

Screen Shot 2021-10-09 at 4.33.36 PM (2) copy 6.png

This will open the Bulk Operation main window, as shown below.

Bulk Operation Main Window


1 - Copy and paste a delimiter separated list of ONEcount IDs.

- Select the bulk operation: Status Change will change the status of ocids entered in Box 1, Product Change will change the product all ocids entered in Box 1 are assigned to, Unsubscribe/Kills will unsubscribe all ocids entered in Box 1 from a designated product, Subscribe will subscribe all ocids entered in Box 1 to a designated product, Delete will delete all ocids entered in Box 1, and Merge will merge ocids enterd in Box 1.

3 - Select the delimiter used in the list of ONEcount IDs (Box 1).

4 - Select the status to apply to the Status Change, Product Change, Unsubscribe/Kill, or Subscribe.

- Select the Product(Term) that the Status Change, Product Change, Unsubscribe/kill, or Subscribe applies to. If Product Change is selected, "Select the product(Term)" will change to "Select the Product(Term)[FROM} and another box "Select the Product (Term)TO will be added. See details on Product Change below.


1. Copy and paste the ONEcount IDs of users you wish to delete from the database.


ONEcount IDs may be selected by running a list as described in List Wizard lessons.

You will need to select the delimiter used in this list in Step 5.

If no ONEcount IDs are entered, when you complete the steps below and select "Process" a pop-up will appear prompting you to enter IDs. (see below)


2. Select Delete.


Status Change is selected as the default.

3. Select the delimiter used in list of ONEcount IDs that were entered.


In the example in Step 1, the delimiter is a comma. Other choices include Tab, New Line (each ID on a new line), or Other (e.g. semicolon, colon).

If you do not select a delimeter, when you complete the steps below and select "Process" a pop-up will appear prompting you to select a delimiter. (see below)


6. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click "Process".


You will receive a message asking for confrmation of the deletion, as shown below.


Clicking "Delete Confirm" will confirm that you wish to proceed with the deletion, and the system will delete the records from the database. You will receive a message confirming that the records have been deleted.

Clicking "Cancel" will cancel the deletion process.

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